With its strategic placing close to both Mainland China and Southeast Asia, the Penghu Islands have long been the gateway for trade and tourism for Taiwan and these areas. These islands have witnessed the movement of both foreign and Chinese cultures across their borders, and watched as men and women of variegating age, ethnicity and histories come and go. Become part of this history, whether you plan to revisit again or not – become part of the magic that these islands have woven throughout the years.
台灣藍色公路直達澎湖海陸無縫接駁。 主要航線: 嘉義布袋港->澎湖馬公港。船舶介紹: 滿天星一號-386位,滿天星二號-403位。 並提供海陸無縫接駁嘉義布袋港往返台中及嘉義新營鄰近車站接駁專車。
行程介紹: 臻品牡蠣炭烤吃到飽、海產粥吃到飽、誘釣海中力士海鱺魚、迦納、紅魽魚(釣中有獎品)、餵溜烏賊花枝招展噴水秀(季節性替換)、卡拉OK歡唱、沿岸景觀等。 行程活動時間約2.5~3小時左右
凱樂瑪麗(Calamari Hostel)座落於澎湖馬公港務大樓旁,台華輪停泊正對面,緊鄰馬公遊客中心並可近距離欣賞麗星郵輪、台華輪及往返客輪進出港,優越的地理位置,提供旅客住宿、購物、休閒娛樂最優質的選擇。凱樂瑪麗以時尚感的極簡主體設計,融合了良好的視野環境。每一間的住客都是凱樂瑪麗最榮耀的貴賓,我們提供完善旅遊景點介紹、全館免費無線上網,貼心滿足遊客各項需求。
Hotel Calamari, its name both a nod to the famous Penghu delicacy that the calamari are, and the mystery that the elusive sea creatures themselves represent. The calamari are soft to the touch, their movements fluid and non-threatening and inviting, and yet there is more to the calamari – the patterns on their bodies reveal their ever changing emotions, a detail often gone unnoticed by many. The hotel similarly hopes to present this mystery to its visitors, while simultaneously giving the visitors a chance to explore this very mystery.
The hotel is situated in walking distance to both the Magong Visitor’s Center and the harbor. The harbor brings in both visitors and wares each day, allowing the residents in the hotel to witness the bustling energy of Penghu day by day. The superb location of the hotel allows its residents to enjoy all Penghu has to offer in the most convenient manner possible.